
At Diversitas (Div-er-sit-as) the Latin word for “diversity” we recognise that everyone is unique and brings a wide variety of skills, experiences and personal attributes to the workplace.  Our focus and expertise is around the value of diversity in thinking, cultural perspective, personality, interaction styles, experience and creativity & innovation that make the world of work rewarding for all.


​– Executive Coaching & Leadership Development

Mental Fitness Coaching, the Positive Intelligence (PQ Program)

Myers- Briggs Personality Type Team Training Programs


Some of our amazing clients include Coles, City of Wyndham, Department of Defence, City of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School, University of Melbourne, La Trobe University, Monash University, Carey Baptist School, YMCA, DreamCity, Akuo Energy, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Disability Sport and Recreation, Barwon Health, Schulke Pharmaceutical, and Cell Therapies.


  • email: kelly@diversitas.com.au
  • call: 0417 330 673
  • book a complimentary coaching session via calendly